Friday, April 8, 2011

Welcome to Our New Family Blog

I decided it was time to start over with a new family blog and I was hoping it would not involve hospitals or doctors but I am writing this post in Brandon's room at St. Lukes. He just had surgery to fix the tubing from his shunt. The surgery lasted about two and a half hours from when they took him back to when we got to see him. The doctor told us he has never seen anything like this before. His tubing from his shunt has recoiled up along his ribs and he had to pull it out to examine it and reposition it in a new spot in his abdomen. He had trouble finding a new location in his abdomen due to all the scaring and had to even bring in another surgeon for assistance. Brandon was only suppose to stay one night but because of all of the trouble he might have to stay two nights. It all depends on how well he eats and drinks.

Look we are all wired....two laptops and Brandon rocking out on his IPod!

Tonight Brandon is doing really well. He got up and went to the bathroom with no problem and even had a Coke and some Jello.


  1. What a cute family picture! I love it. Tell Brandon hello and that we wish him well. Hospital stays defiantly aren't too fun!

  2. I'm glad the surgery is over, but I have to say I'm not crazy about seeing more pictures of you in the hospital with one of your kids! I mean, honestly...
    I hope things continue to improve and hopefully we can check on you guys tomorrow. Give Brandon a squeeze for us! We'll keep you in our prayers.

  3. I am so glad things went well. We love you guys so much. Wow what a great family picture.
