Monday, September 30, 2013

Nyssa Choir Concert

6th grade boy's choir
Mckenzie Schulthies in the 6th grade girl's choir
Hailey Long, Kelsee Tucker, Ivy Wagstaff and Maya Garner
in the Middle School Choir of 7th & 8th graders.
Jena Boyer, Hannah Wilson, Liana Clark & Regan Hartley sang at the beginning of 
'Down in the River to Pray.'  Their choir also sang, 'On My Own' from Les Miserables, 'Adoramus Te', 'Done Caught a Rabbit' and 'She's Like the Swallow.'
Mallory Jensen and Kacie sing alto.
Trista Peterson and Regan Hartley are pictured along with Mallory and Kacie

Here you can see Jenna Boyer, Madison Mitchell, Bailey Meyers, Jocelyn Hartley and Charley Hansen.
I thought all the choirs did good for this early in the year.
Kacie with Melissa Gonzalez.  Such cute girls!
Kacie had both sets of grandparents there to support her along with her parents and of course Brady.
I thought this was so cute of Brady I had to include it.

Moms with their daughters.
Nate and Brady....goof balls!
Proud Papa and Mama!

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