Sunday, July 26, 2015

Josh's birthday and Family Time

Saturday we went to Joshua's birthday was fun! Joshua's favorite present was the fire costume from the Garners...he wouldn't take it off.  He is such a cute, can't believe he is 6!

These two have fun together...I love it!

After the party we cleaned house for a bit and then that night we went to Panda Express and Dutch Bros. It's always fun when we are all together, I just wish Brandon was able to join us...

 Sunday evening Brady wanted to go for a drive up to the Owyhee Dam so just the three us went.  Kacie hung out with friends.
 Sure love this guy!!

 We walked to the end of the first boat ramp and let Brady throw rocks.
He loved it!
Scary how low the water is...
Still praying we have a good and wet Winter coming up...

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