Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kacie's YW's New Beginnings

We had a special evening at the Owyhee Ward's New Beginnings on January 25, 2012. The theme was Fireworks and the YW leaders did an amazing job. It sure put all the stuff that we did while in YW's to shame. The girls did a really cool impromptu dance to Katy Perry's Fireworks song. I was so proud of Kacie for doing it too. Donna, Sharon & Tara spoke along with a couple of the girls and Bishop Hartley and Jen Nelson from the stake YW's. Tami also sang a song. They all did great.
There is seven new girls coming into young women's this year and I think five are graduating. Kacie is currently the Beehive President.
I was so happy Tara had a camera because it didn't even cross my mind to bring one. I was also glad that Scott was able to make it because his basketball game got done early and he wasn't feeling well.
YW leaders: President Donna Suell, Brett Wagstaff, Kia Bowns, Rebecca Hansen, Tara Rushton, Michelle Dudley and Sharon Berrett (Kacie's leader).

1 comment:

  1. It was so much fun looking at all the pictures of the New Beginnings. Kacie is such a beautiful girl... like her momma. Love you all!!!
