Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Stake Primary Presidency Training Meeting

I have loved this quote from Elder Holland and so we thought it would be a good theme for our Stake Primary Presidency Training Meeting.  With the help of my wonderful presidency we pulled off a great meeting.  I was pleasantly surprised by the great turnout we had and it was so nice to hear how much everyone enjoyed it.  I had one Bishopric member tell me how much he was dreading it but was so glad he came.  I designed the invitations and we gave one to each ward primary presidency member plus their chorister and the bishopric member over primary.
We split the meeting up into four quarters with half-time treats and our round table discussions and then OT.  Rachel spoke on music and we could have finished with hers because she brought such a wonderful spirit to our meeting.  Then Brother Roach spoke on commitment and did great.  We had shredded pork nachos for our half-time treats.  They were so yummy.  Then our 3rd quarter was me speaking on Reverence.  Anna took the 4th quarter and spoke on 'Teaching as the Savior Taught and did amazing as well.  President Jacobs took a few minutes to sum up the meeting and then Rachel put together a wonderful video of primary children from our Stake.  I really think it touched everyone to see their own primary kids.  Andrea gave a beautiful prayer to finish off our meeting.  
Rachel did an amazing job on these center pieces of painted pumpkins to look like footballs and ordered the cute tablecloths.  Anna came of up with the cute little playbooks for people to take notes in and I made six of these round table discussions during the half-time treats that we put on clipboards.  We had everyone sit according to their calling so they could go over their different topics that we emailed them ahead of time so they could bring ideas.
These were our topics:
Presidents: How can we connect with, and love, each individual child and teacher?
Bishopric Members: How can we better support Primary presidencies with committed and prepared teachers?
1st Counselors: How can we make sharing time a more meaningful experience where the spirit is present?
2nd Counselors: How can we better include children with special needs and/or behavior issues and help them to feel the Spirit?
Secretaries: How can we reach out to those children who are not attending Primary? How can we better use Primary as a missionary tool?
Choristers: How can I be more prepared to teach, and present music and ideas thereof effectively?

Anna made the yummy pork for our deluxe nachos. Andrea did our Costco run and printed up the program.  We all brought a dessert to share.  I wish I got more pictures but I ran out of time before people started showing up.
Rachel came up with these cute music ideas and then let each ward take a different one home.  The wards loved them.
We make a great team!!!  I don't know what I would do without these amazing ladies.  One of the hardest things to being called as the Stake Primary President is coming up with names of people to work with and with Lord's help we did good. 

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