Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July Moments...

Woke up early on July 1st to see all these does in our yard.  
They were cute until they started going for my flowers.

On July 6th Scott got new wheels and tires for his pickup.
Had to take some more pictures of my daylilies on July 8th.  They were so pretty this year.

Our pretty sunset with my handsome hubby.
On July 11th I volunteered at Thunderegg Days after work.  I helped serve pie for a couple of hours and boy ws it hot.  It was fun to catch up with all the gals that I used to work with but it just doesn't quite feel the same but oh well.  I also helped out Friday and Saturday a little bit.  Saturday I helped at the car show which was fun for a change.  I left after that got over to go with Mom, Brady and Josh to watch Lori's kids in a play at Four Rivers in Ontario.  It was cute but I was o tired I had a hard time staying awake. haha! That night Scott came in and we watched the fireworks from the football stadium.   Brady went with the service missionaries to see the new movie Despicable Me 4.

On July 12th I got my nails done by Hali Wagstaff at Rebel Rose Salon and Spa.  I got acrylics done and I thought it would be fun to do something for the 2024 Olympics coming up so she did blue tips with white starts on my ring fingers.  I'm excited to start having nice nails.  I thought she did a good job.
Our garden is finally starting to grow.  This was taken on July 14th.
On July 9th Scott and I went to wish Donna happy birthday at the party Mom threw for her then we went to pick up my puzzle I had framed from Hobby Lobby.  It's the one with all the original movie covers of the Disney movies Walt Disney helped work on before he died.  We got there five minutes after it closed but luckily there were still people checking out so they let me in.  I finally got it hung up and took this picture on July 17th.  My wall is finally complete.
These four went to watch Despicable Me 4 on July 22nd.  
Brady went with the other service missionaries on July 13th.  They all liked it.
On July 24th we all went to see Twisters for Dad's birthday.  We all really liked it.  We then went out to dinner at Matsy's Restaurant.  While we were there I got a text from Stacie asking if we got hurt by the storm.  I told her we weren't even home so we had no idea.  She sent me a picture of their tree that got hit by lightning.  I got another text from Stephanie asking if we were okay with the fires near our house.  We found out there was one on Lytle near Austin and McKenna's house.  Luckily the rain from the storm put it out.  After our dinner, we went over to their house to give him Dad and Josh their presents.

I took these pictures because I wasn't sure if the glow was from fires or just the sunset, but Scott took the one below over by the butte and assured me it was just the sunset.  We have had so many fires in Oregon this year, it has been so bad.

On July 30th Scott and I had a little date night.  We went to Houston's Hot Chicken and then to Costco and Cabela's.  It was nice to have some alone time together.  Their salads are so yummy.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July Birthdays...

We celebrated Gerald's 84th birthday on Sunday, June 21st at Ron and Stacie's.  It was fun that Cole and Kacie were able to be here.  They were traveling back home from McCall for the weekend.

On July 23rd we celebrated Josh and Dad's birthday.  Mom invited a bunch of families to slip-n-slide.  I've never seen so many people.  It was fun that Rosie and Caleb were able to stay a few days with us.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Sturgeon Fishing...

Ron, Scott, and Steve went overnight to go sturgeon fishing on the Columbia River.  They caught a lot of sturgeons.  I'm so happy they had fun!


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Baby Wheeler...

On June 3rd Kacie had her first doctor's appointment to confirm she is expecting.  We are so excited!!  However, her first experience didn't go that well.  first of all she had to wait almost three hours to see a doctor because they didn't schedule her correctly.  Then the doctor scared her by saying they might have to terminate the pregnancy if her cysts on her ovaries are cancerous.  He also said the baby had problems with water are the head and heart.  Kacie was in a muddle by the time she left.  I felt so bad for her.  When I got home from work I put her and Cole's name on the temple roll and have constantly kept them in our prayers. 
On June 17th she had a lot better experience seeing her high-risk doctor.  She calmed all her fears.  She said they would deal with the cysts after the pregnancy and that there was no water around the head or heart.  That was such a relief.  She finally felt like she could start telling family members.  I loved Brady's reaction when they told him.  He squealed he was so excited.  It was so fun!
On July 9th she had an anatomy scan and found out they are having a boy!!!  
We couldn't be more excited!!!


Saturday, July 6, 2024

4th of July & Braxton's Endowments...

Brady and I climbed in with Mom and Dad plus Josh and James to travel to Utah for the weekend.  We took the boys home then we went to check Mom and Dad into their hotel.  There was a Krispy Kremes right next to their hotel so of course we had to get some.  Because we were all wearing red, white, and blue they gave us a free one that was still hot.  So, so good!  We got a couple of boxes to share with everyone.

We then met up with Rosie's family to have dinner at Outback. 
 It was really good.  It was fun to see everyone.

We then found a spot to watch the fireworks from the stadium.  They were pretty cool especially with the drone display, but I wish we could have gotten closer to them.

Brady and I stayed at Rosie's house.  The next day we hung out, then got ready to go to the temple with Braxton for his first time.  It was pretty special, I'm glad we were able to go with him.

We then had dinner at Olive Garden.
After dinner, we went back to Rosie's house and had fun playing games and visiting.  We all wanted to stay another day but Dad wanted to go home so we left Saturday morning to head back home.  It was a nice weekend.