Saturday, July 6, 2024

4th of July & Braxton's Endowments...

Brady and I climbed in with Mom and Dad plus Josh and James to travel to Utah for the weekend.  We took the boys home then we went to check Mom and Dad into their hotel.  There was a Krispy Kremes right next to their hotel so of course we had to get some.  Because we were all wearing red, white, and blue they gave us a free one that was still hot.  So, so good!  We got a couple of boxes to share with everyone.

We then met up with Rosie's family to have dinner at Outback. 
 It was really good.  It was fun to see everyone.

We then found a spot to watch the fireworks from the stadium.  They were pretty cool especially with the drone display, but I wish we could have gotten closer to them.

Brady and I stayed at Rosie's house.  The next day we hung out, then got ready to go to the temple with Braxton for his first time.  It was pretty special, I'm glad we were able to go with him.

We then had dinner at Olive Garden.
After dinner, we went back to Rosie's house and had fun playing games and visiting.  We all wanted to stay another day but Dad wanted to go home so we left Saturday morning to head back home.  It was a nice weekend.

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