Monday, July 18, 2011

Kidney Camp 2011 (July 13-17)

This was our second time going to the Northwest Kidney Kids Camp for families in Canby Oregon. We left on Wednesday and stayed with my Uncle Allan and Aunt Roma in Hermiston. They were so good to us while we were there. Thursday we got up and had breakfast with them and then headed to Seaside for a night. But we couldn't go by Multnomah Falls without stopping.Brady would have us doing everything exactly the same and in the same order as our trip last year if he could.The coast was cold as usual, but that didn't stop the kids from playing in the ocean. It did however, keep us from having our bonfire and flying kites because we couldn't stay in the cold as long as we wanted.One plus was the great view of the ocean from the pool at our hotel so the kids spent a lot of time there. They had a ball.How is that for a corn dog...They were delicious... plus the deep fried Oreos....Yummm!Brady loves the Tillamook Cheese Factory. We had to stop there again even though it made us two hours late for the camp. Brady had fun with one of the ladies working there. She kept waving at him, blowing kisses and even gesturing that she was keeping her eye on him. It was really cute. He would go to another part of the factory and then come back to her and make sure she saw him. He did that for quite awhile. Brady's group was Batman and Robin...(6-8 year olds)Kacie's group was the Green Lantern...(12-14 year olds)Swimming even though it was rainy and coldTie Dying T-shirts! Singing around the campfire... even Brady got up with his group but I only got a video of him. After that we went back to our cabin and the girls talked Scott into playing 5 crown with us. It was hilarious. Who knew Scott could be so much fun playing card games with...That man in the background got a deceased donor's kidney when he was 10 and he is now 30 something and still doing really well. He said he thought the reason was due to always being so active. He played soccer, basketball and baseball growing up and even skis and travels all around the world. That was encouraging!

The last day it poured and poured, but we had a lot of fun learning how to juggle, play with flower sticks and spin Frisbees. The man that did the demonstration was a lot of fun and very talented. I can almost say that I can juggle three balls now...Kacie loved the sticks!


  1. What a treat reading your posts and looking at all of the pictures. It truly warms our hearts to see your family having such a great time. Thank you for taking the time to share your special moments with us. Sure do love you!!!

  2. That was a great trip. Thanks so much tammy and Scott for taking me. Kacie and I had the best time ever. Gotta love those memories!! <3
