Saturday, April 27, 2024

Monday, April 22, 2024

New Addition To The Family...

Travis and Natalie welcomed a precious little girl to the family.  
Annalie is so beautiful.  We sure love these little angels straight from heaven.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Bishop Kelly Track Meet...

On Friday, April 19th Scott and I went to Boise to watch Lindsay compete at the Bishop Kelly track meet.  We were really glad we went since there once no one else there to cheer her on besides her Dad, the track coach.  Brady went to Brigston's party (GED celebration) with his Grandparents.  Lindsay made it to the finals in all her events so we went back over on Saturday to watch her again.  She was doing the high jump when we arrived so we got to see her jump a couple of times.  She tied for 3rd place at 5 feet.  Stacie and Ryan were there plus Steve came over so it was fun watching together.

She got 1st in the 100m hurdles with a time of 16.37.  We were all so excited for her but she was so upset that she didn't PR.  Scott asked her if she would rather get 2nd and PR or win and not PR and she said she would rather get 2nd and PR.  We thought it was crazy because she's competing against all these bigger schools and only a freshman.
She also got 1st in the 300m hurdles with a time of 46.48 and also not a PR.

It was a fun day watching Lindsay.  Afterward, Ron treated us all to dinner at the Golden Coral.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Brandon Turns 30...

On April 12th, Scott and I went over for Brandon's annual review.  He was so happy, it was really nice.  After we took him home with us so we could celebrate his 30th birthday.  I can't believe I am a mom of a 30-year-old.  Where has all the time gone?

Saturday the 13th we had a little party for him with his grandparents.  We had Mississippi pot roast with mashed potatoes, salad, and cheesecake.  Brandon's favorite was the salad and cheesecake.  He did pretty good then was starting to get worked up as the night went on.

I wrote on his cheesecake earlier in the day and the frosting I used smeared all over it so I had to try to scrap it off and write it again.  It didn't look too good but it sure tasted delicious.

I think he liked it. haha!

He sure loves his grandmothers...
He got some clothes, candy, and money plus some Coke Zero of course, haha!  He didn't do too bad this visit.  He didn't wander around the house and try to get into food.  At night he stayed in his room.  However, I'm not sure if slept, but at least he wasn't getting up and turning on all the lights during the night.  Mom was nice to come over and watch him while Scott and I went to church.  Brady stayed home to help out.  We took Brandon home later in the afternoon.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Gerald & Wanda's 60th Anniversary...

On April 2nd I posted these pictures for Gerald and Wanda's 60th Anniversary.  I said, "Happy 60th Anniversary to this beautiful couple who have been a wonderful example of loving each other through the good and hard times.  Who have shown patience, love, and compassion to us all.  We love you so much and so grateful for all that you do for our family."

After General Conference on April 7th, we had a small get-together at Ron and Stacie's to celebrate their Anniversary.  We had shredded pork tacos and cake.  It was fun party.  It wasn't what we originally had hoped to do for them but it was what they wanted, a small gathering. :)

I love all these cute pictures I got of them together.  60 years is quite a milestone.