Friday, April 21, 2023

Jury Duty & More Backyard Cleanup...

I had jury duty in the month of April and I had to go in on April 17th.  So the only day I end up having to go in I ended up on the trial.  (That is just my luck!) I felt so bad for the victim.  He was a truck driver that was in a car accident and the woman in the other car ended up dying and he went to prison for it.  Well, he was eventually found innocent but his roommate thought he still needed to die for killing that woman so he literally tried to beat him to death.  He beat the guy so bad that he lost the use of one of his arms and had a bad limp.  He represented himself and all he wanted to do was blame everyone else and say that the correction officers were just trying to find a victim.  We found the guy guilty but not until after we had to convince one of the other jury members.  There seems to always be one that makes it so you don't get home until after 6:00 when it could have been around 3:00pm.  She didn't think he was guilty because no actually saw him do it.  But we told her they were the only ones in the prison cell and we weren't charging him with murder just attempted murder.
Scott helped me put in newer straw around the well house.  
It looks so much better.
I took down more of the fence.

Ryan and Marti Hunt brought in a little tractor and helped up till up all our sod so we can plant new grass.

It took me a couple of days to clean up all the junk on the outside of our fence.  It looks so much better.


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