Saturday, March 9, 2024

Jayden Rawlin's Funeral...

On March 3rd we got the devastating news that Jayden passed in his sleep.  He was almost 4 years old.
Brady found some pictures of him I had taken from one of our reunions up at Hi-Cliffs.

I found these family pictures from their Facebook page and I asked Brianna Berdowski to make the picture below so I could give it to them.  I thought it turned out so good.  I sure hope they like it.
On March 8th Scott, Brady and I rode with Gerald and Wanda to Utah for the funeral.  We went straight to Maddox's for dinner with Chet, Nanette, Adam, Kimberly, little Lucas, Ralph, Kathy, and Travis' family.  It was fun that Cole and Kacie were able to come too.  It was so fun to catch up with everyone.  It was pretty touching to see Nanette get so emotional when seeing her parents and Scott.  It has been such a long time since we have seen her.  We had a nice dinner and even visited a little longer after until we decided to head to our hotel in Tremonton.  We got to hang out with Cole and Kacie for a little while.  They gave Scott an early birthday present... an Iron Maiden t-shirt of course. haha!
The next morning we went to the graveside in Wellsville (400 N 200 E) where Jayden will be laid to rest by his Great Grandpa on his mother's side.  Jayden's Grandmother (Stefanie's Mom) gave me a hug and thought I was Nanette.  I just went along with it, but then after the graveside she talked to me again when she realized her mistake.  She was super friendly, it was nice visiting with her.  It was so sad seeing that tiny coffin.  

They had baby's breath for everyone to place on the coffin.

They also had bubbles for everyone to send up to Jayden.  We then got some food at Costa Vida before heading to the funeral at 255 E Elberta Dr in North Ogden.  It was such a nice service but one of the more emotional and sad funerals I have been to in a long time.

I'm so glad we were able to get some family pictures after.

We then decided to head back home.  I'm really glad we were able to support Tony and Stefanie, my heart goes out to them.  No one should ever have to lose a child, but what a blessing to know we can see him again.

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