Sunday, March 17, 2024

Reid's Family Visit & Kailani's Mission Homecoming...

Reid and Laura's family decided to attend as many temples as they could over their spring break.  They traveled through Utah, Idaho, and then ended up visiting us in Oregon. :)  They stayed a couple of nights with Cole and Kacie while visiting Hannah and going through the Rexbury and Idaho Falls temples.  Cole said he really enjoyed getting to know their family more.  

Kailani came home from her mission.  She gave a wonderful homecoming talk on March 17th.  After church, we went to their house for a fun get-together.  Then later we went to Scott's parent's house and they had a party for Scott's birthday.  It was a fun day spent with lots of family.
Love these cute missionaries...

It was so fun to get to spend some time together with Reid and Laura's cute family.  
They went home after church.

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