Thursday, May 30, 2024

Random Events From May...

On May 2nd Brady was able to go with Mom and Dad plus Grandma and Donna to see Escape From Germany.  Brady really liked it.  It is about how they were able to get the missionaries out of Germany during the war.  I never knew that Mom's Uncle Grant who is Grandma Alder's brother was one of the missionaries that had to escape Germany.
On May 3rd we started cleaning out our storage room.  It took us two days to pull everything out, wipe down all the shelves, organize, and put back what we still wanted.  It was disgusting how the mice had taken over, but we think we found where they were coming in so hopefully we won't have that problem anymore.  I sure hate those things.  We went through memory lane as we found all of Brandon's premie clothes and his first pair of braces.  Our storage room looks so much better.  

On Sunday, May 5th, Scott made us some yummy shrimp and salmon.  He is such a good cook.
We were so excited to celebrate 14 years since Kacie had her kidney transplant.  I can still remember it like yesterday.  We have so many emotions when we think about the life that was lost for her to get her gift of life.

We found a gun safe on sale from Costco online for $799.00.  It arrived on May 15th.
Scott was pretty happy to finally have a safe place for all his guns.
On May 23rd I took a picture of my desk when I finally got my shelf decorated.    JD was so nice to hang it up for me right after I moved into his office that he shared with James Larsen.  Now there are three of us together.  It is really different for me to be working with so many men.   A funny thing is that Bailey made those cement pots for the FFA banquet when Kacie was a freshman in FFA and Bailey was a junior.  Now they made their way back to their family's onion shed.

I loved seeing these pictures of Ryan running and jumping at Weber State.

Brady and I went down to the cemetery to decorate graves with Mom and Dad on May 24th.  It was fun running into Norman and Julie.  I had to get this picture of these two working hard at decorating graves. Haha!

On Tuesday, May 28th Brady and I helped at the church orchard.  I wasn't that happy about going since I was tired from just getting back from our trip the day prior and then working all day but we went.  It even started pouring on our way over.   But I was really glad we went.  There was just a small group of us with Michael Hartley, Lance Peterson, and Cristle Stokes plus some of their kids.  We had a great conversation and we had pretty good weather until the very end then we got drenched.  They told us we had to go get a pink lady at the frosty palace in Homedale so we did.  I, however, got an orange lady and Brady got a pink lady.  They were pretty good and we would even share and then ended up trading because Brady liked the orange lady better.  We stopped at the church parking lot so we could listen to Braxton open up his mission call.  We were so excited to hear he was going to Brisbane Australia.  We had an interesting drive home in the rian and lightning.
Brady was pretty surprised to get some more graduation gifts a year later.  London Hartley gave Brady a card that she found in their car with some money in it from their family.  Then Sydney Hartley came by the house to give him this towel and money.  That was so nice of them to still remember Brady.

On May 30th Brady drove out to Farewell Bend with Mom after he got done at the food pantry.  
He needed some practice driving on the freeway.  Hopefully, he can get his driver's license soon.

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