Friday, June 7, 2024

Brandon Comes Homes...

I picked up Brandon after work on June 6th for the night.  He was so happy to see me when I got there, but it didn't last long.  He started getting agitated in the car and even opened the door.  I guess I shouldn't put him in the front seat with me.  That was pretty scary.  We did get some cute pictures with the boys.  I don't think he slept at all during the night.  On Friday we watched some more Disney movies and hung out then we took him back to his home around 4:00.  He was so worked up in the car, I've never seen Scott get so upset with him.

 After we dropped him off we got some dinner, then went to Scheels in Meridian.  I was pretty happy I found some trail shoes on sale for $44.00 plus tax and they are cute too.

The shoes were wrapped in this paper in the Nike box.  I think this trail would be so fun to do some day.


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