Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Devastating Storm...

On June 26th while I was at work we got a devastating storm with hail and strong winds.  The whole valley lost power from all the trees that had fallen on power lines and then also power lines that had been blown over.  I got a picture of JD taking a picture of all the hail.  I left work around 2:30.  I couldn't even go through the under bridge because it was closed.

This is JD stopping in the middle of our giant mud puddle.

When I drove through town I couldn't the destruction.  M&W's greenhouse was laid out over their roof and there were tons of trees blown over and limbs knocked down at the school.

They had to close the highway because of all of these power lines that went down.

Wanda took these pictures of their neighbor's tree down and limbs down at their house.

Scott took this picture of Alex's trampoline mangled by being blown around out in the field.  Plus below is all the flooding at our house.

We decided to go shopping in Nampa since we didn't have any power.  We couldn't believe all the sheds that we saw that had lost their roofs in Apple Valley.  The crazy thing is that the closer we got to Parma there was no sign of a storm.  Brady went up to the lake with Mom and the boys.  They had to stop along the side of the road to let the storm pass and questioned whether they should continue going up but they did and had perfect weather. 

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