Monday, November 21, 2011

Girls Night Out, Service Project & Turkey Cookies

We had a fun, jammed-packed weekend. Friday Scott went with Steve to see Tyler play in his state football game in Florence, OR. Kacie and I went with Aunt Barbara, Tara, Sheree, Lori and Maria to see the Twilight Breaking Dawn new movie. We went to Fiesta to have some Mexican food before the show. It was a lot of fun and the movie was awesome. We were so glad they invited us. I got Kacie a three-barrel curling iron and we tried it out for the first time. I think it looks really cute on her.

Kacie had to play in the Fall Piano Festival Saturday morning at 9:15. I think she did really well. She played Carillon (level 7), which was a dificult song for her to learn but she worked really hard on it. She played before a judge and she gave her an excellent which was a red ribbon. Taylor played for the first time and she won the rosette in her level which was three. We were really happy for her.

At 1pm we got together for a service project. The church asked each ward to do a service project and our ward decided to divide it up by the church cleaning committees. Our group joined up with mom and dad's group and we worked on clearing out their corals so they can put in a little cottage for Aunt Anita to live in. We got a lot done, but I hurt my arm in the process. I was carrying a big post with Ruben and when we went to put it on the trailer I fell into one of the post holes and my arm hit the trailer with the post still in my arms. It hurt so bad, but I was able to keep working. However, when I went inside for some reason my finger started tingling and it felt a lot worse. Mom thought we needed to go get it x-rayed but I was pretty sure it wasn't broken so she gave me some ice and 4 advils and it eventually started feeling better.(Pictured L to R) Dad, Ruben, Janetta Garner, Me, Tim, Allison Peterson, Stoney Schulthies, Tyson Winkle and Trevor Peterson. It is hard to believe that there were corals and a loading chute looks so different.

Mallory and her brother Nate came out to play later. The girls did nails which were so cute I am mad that I didn't get a picture of them. While they were doing nails I did turkey sugar cookies with the boys. Brady has been begging me to do these for weeks now. He saw it on Nickjr where they trace their hand to form a turkey. The boys had fun decorating them with candy corns and M&Ms plus eating them. They were cute...

Nyssa and Baker both lost their State playoff games by about 18 to 14. It was sad but Scott had fun even though he got home around 5am Sunday morning.

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