Monday, November 7, 2011

Number 30

So while Scott and I were waiting for the nurse to take him back to the operating room to remove his gallbladder, we started counting all the surgeries that our family has had. If our calculations are correct this will be number 30 between the five of us. I was hoping to take his mind off the surgery because he was so nervous but I don't think it worked.

Scott: Tonsils + repair on his arm when shot + gallbladder = 3

Tammy: Tonsils + wisdom teeth + two c-sections = 4

Brandon: Ventriculostomy + shunt placement + hernia + two eye surgeries + tonsils + three leg surgeries + three shunt replacements = 12

Kacie: Two port placements + dialysis PD catheter placement + scope on stomach + kidney transplant + removal of dialysis PD catheter = 6

Brady: Tonsils & tubes + dialysis PD catheter placement + removal + two hospital stays for teeth = 5

So Scott was wondering why I wasn't nervous for him and I told him this is why...look at how many of these surgeries we have gone through.

...So I was right, I just talked to Dr. Roman Babij, M.D. at 9:50 am and everything went just fine. He should be able to go home today unless he gets really nauseated.


  1. hope you have stocks invested in the medical field... you are certainly contributing to their financial stability! Love you guys and so thankful all is going well!!!

  2. Amen Susan! Tsmmy you are a strong lady and Your faith is amazing! You have went through more then any of combined. Let's hope thirty is your lucky number and you don't have to go through any more!!

  3. Wow, that is crazy! I agree with Pam...hopefully 30 will be the end. We sure love you guys!
    Tammy, you inspire greatness!
