Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Another Trip To The ER...

Kacie woke up around 3:00 am with really bad muscle twitches.  She came into our room about 4;00 am and Scott gave her half a Valium and that didn't work so he gave the other half 30 minutes later.  Finally about 6:00 am Mom and I took her to the ER in Fruitland.  At first they thought her electrolytes were out of balance but they came back okay so then they thought she was having a reaction to one of her medications.  I left them at the hospital at 9:00 to open the office and do a couple of loans because Stacie had to take Taylor to Portland for an eye exam.  Mom brought Kacie to the office around 10:30 and she slept in the back until Scott came at noon to go with us to see her kidney doctor...Dr. Jenkins.  He said it couldn't be a reaction to the Prograf because he has never seen this reaction in over 20 years.  He said there is a type of diarrhea that can cause seizures so he gave a cup to get a sample but then that stopped.  He also said if she stopped one of her medications cold turkey that can cause it but she swears she hasn't done that either.  We are just all hoping it was a fluky thing maybe from lack of sleep.  He said no more sleepovers for a while and if it happens again he would refer us to a neurologist.  Once the twitches stopped at the ER she pretty much slept non stop except to walk into Dr. Jenkins office and she swears she has no memory from the whole day which is so crazy because she would even talk to us at times.  She remembers a few things like dropping her urine sample at the ER but for the most part can't remember eating at Jimmy Johns or why we had to go to Boise.  We got home around 5:00 and she slept through the whole night.  We are all praying it doesn't happen again...what a day!

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