Friday, December 27, 2019

December 26th & 27th...

Kacie had a kidney appointment with Dr. Bender and she wanted me to go so Scott, Brady and I met her and Cole at her new office across from the St. Luke's hospital.  Everything went good and we discussed getting a new adult kidney doctor in Idaho Falls so it would be easier to make it to her appointments.  By changing to Idaho Falls then she has to change her transplant team to Salt Lake City.  If they move back to the Boise area she can change back to the transplant team out of Portland that travels to Boise once a year.  After her appointment we all went to eat at Zupas.  Scott, Brady and I then went to visit Harlan in the hospital.  He has to stay there five weeks before he goes to Salt Lake City for his bone barrow transplant.  He looked good but boy has he been on a roller coaster ride these past few months.  While we were there Kacie called and said Dr. Bender wanted her to go to the ER because her muscle enzymes were elevated.  We visited with them a little more while we waited for Kacie to come back.  We waited in the ER for about two hours before she finally got back to a doctor.  Her CK (muscle enzymes) were 11,000 from 12/24/2019 and they need to be under 135 so they admitted her to the hospital for the night to give her fluids.  When they get to high they can crystallize in her kidney and can cause damage.  They really pumped in the fluids.  She was going to the bathroom every half hour and peeing 16 oz every time.   Cole's parents came to visit her for a little bit.  We stayed with her while Cole went and got them some things for the night.   We finally left around 10:00 pm.  It was so weird leaving her there and not staying with her. 

The next day we went back to see Kacie but they released her by the time we got to Boise.  Kacie's CK had dropped to around 4000 so the doctor said she would be fine and even thought Dr. Bender could had handled it without admitting her to the hospital so she was kind of frustrated about that.  So we took Harlan and Kendalee some lunch from Tin Roof Tacos compliments of mom and dad.    We visited with them for an hour or so and then the Scott, Brady and I went to Cafe Rio for lunch.  We then did a little shopping and then met Cole and Kacie at the movies to see Jumanji2.  It was funny!  It was a crazy couple of days.

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