Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bittersweet Day June 8th

Today I woke up early to Mom letting us know that Teniele was in labor all night but wasn't progressing so they did an ultrasound and found that the umbilical cord was looped on top of the baby's head and they were worried that it would prolapse so they were prepping Teniele for a C-section.  Then shortly after we got word that Anita passed away.  So Anita passed away at 8:15am then little James Dewayne was born at 9:19am.  He weighed 8 lbs 9 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long.  He is super cute.  I felt so bad for mom because she was so torn on where she needed to be.  As soon as she knew Teniele and the baby were OK she went back to Nyssa Gardens.  We meet them around 11am.  It was so hard to be in her beautiful room without her in it.  Later Dad and I went over to see Teniele and the baby.  Like I sad, it was a bittersweet day!

1 comment:

  1. That was one of those days when you just know that the Lord is in charge of the details of our life. I knew it was going to be a hard thing for your mom to tell her sister goodbye when the time came, even though she didn't want to see her suffer any longer so I'm again grateful that Heavenly Father was able to help a bit in the timing of little James' arrival to help lessen the sadness of the day for everyone. And I'm very grateful that they realized what was going on with Teniele/James so that everything turned out well for them, too, even if it meant that she had to have surgery to get him safely here.
    Your family has certainly been through the refiner's fire(again).
